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JC MINING Services and Mining Projects

Gold and Silver

Sell Gold-Silver in breña, we ship anywhere in Mexico. Ley 2 to 14 gr Au/ton  and 300 to 800 gr Ag/ ton. We are company property owners. We have potential to supply any company.

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Iron Ore

Sell Iron Ore breña (With Au, Ni, Cu, Pd). We ship anywhere in Mexico. We are company property owners. We have the potential to supply any company.

Copper-Molybdenum Ore

We sell copper-molybdenum ore breña, we have a Cu-Mo porphyry project in Mexico with more than 70 thousand hectares of conserved land.

Barire Ore

Sell Barite Ore breña, density 4.2, we ship anywhere in Mexico.

We have the potential to supply any company.

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Silica Ore

Sell Silica Ore breña, 93 to 95 %. We ship anywhere in Mexico. We have the potential to supply any company. We are company property owners.


Sell ​​or seek Joint Venture for granite project in Guerrero State, México. 262 Hectares with the greatest potential to 5 million tons.

We sell more variety of minerals, CONTACT.

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